New Study Shows 6/10 Americans Too Afraid to Visit the Dentist.

Aug 16, 2018
Children, group

In a recent poll of 2,000 Americans, it was found that 6 out of every 10 Americans avoid visiting the dentist out of fear. This is an oral health crisis in our country and we need to raise awareness of what modern dentistry has to offer to these fearful patients.

There were some statistics from the study that really stood out to me. Do any of these apply to you or to people you know?

  • 3/10 Millenials only brush their teeth once per day
  • 56% of Millenials have a fear of losing their teeth
  • Dentists were feared 7x more than neurologists and 2x more than medical surgeons
  • 3/10 people surveyed said they’d rather work a full day than undergo a dental procedure
  • 2/10 people surveyed said they’d rather give a speech in front of a large group of people than undergo a dental procedure

Of those surveyed, the top fears included pain during the visit (74%), pain after the visit (47%), fear of the dental drill sound (34%), and negative past experiences (29%). At AuraSmile Dental, we are all highly aware of these fears and have taken special measures to reduce or eliminate these common causes of dental fear and anxiety. Our mission is to get the word out to the general public that there are alternatives to the dental experiences of the past and that there is no reason to fear the dentist, especially in modern times.

Some of the measures we take at AuraSmile to address common dental fears include the following:

  • Often painless anesthesia using special materials and techniques
  • Complimentary headphones and entertainment during appointments to isolate the patient from sounds
  • Nitrous Oxide and Conscious Oral Sedation which make appointments much more enjoyable and even reduce the perception of time during the appointment
  • Complimentary hot towel service to help you feel clean and refreshed after your visit
  • Lip balm during the dental procedure for comfort

Your comfort and relaxation during your visit is something we all take very seriously at AuraSmile Dental. We know that many of your relatives and friends are fearful of visiting the dentist and may be neglecting their oral health as a result. With your help, we can get the word out to the community that there is a place with modern advancements in care that is accepting and will help them overcome their past fears of the dentist.

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New Study Shows 6/10 Americans Too Afraid to Visit the Dentist.

In a recent poll of 2,000 Americans, it was found that 6 out of every 10 Americans avoid visiting the dentist out of fear. This is an oral health crisis in our country and we need to raise awareness of what modern dentistry has to offer to these fearful patients.

There were some statistics from the study that really stood out to me. Do any of these apply to you or to people you know?


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